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Informativa sulla Privacy (TOS)

AERTECHS.R.L. , data controller for thedata collected inthis formelectronic submittedto you,guarantees themaximumconfidentialityand compliancewith current legislation concerning the protection of personal data ( D.Lgs. n. 196/03). For a complete overview of this information, click here.
The undersigned / declares to have read the informative provided by AERTECH Ltd, the holder of the treatment, according to art. 13 of D.Lgs. n. 196/03, together with information concerning the rights of the person referred to in Article. 7 of the same decree. In particular,with regard to the purposes ofmarketing through you to send by e-mail and fax, to promotional and advertising material, commercial communications and related services offered by our company.
Expresses the consensus to the treatment and communication of personal data to the data within the limits and in the manner stated in the yield.

For the remaining purpose is not necessary prior consent as included in those referred to in Article. 24 and art. 130 c. 4 of D.Lgs. n. 196/03.