Curve, backward (negative) with cover.
For the inlet and transport of clean or dusty air. Medium-high flow rates. Average pressures.
Curve, backward (negative) with cover.
For the inlet and transport of potentially very dusty air, sawdust, various chips, granular materials, with the exclusion of filaments. Low-medium-high flowrates. Medium-lowpressures.
Curve, backward (negative) with cover.
For the inlet and transport of clean or dusty air, also containing low quantities of sawdust, various chips, granular materials, with the exclusion of filaments.
Medium-high low rates. Average pressures.
Curve, backward (negative) with cover.
For pneumatic transport, fumes, fine dust. Suitable for transporting solid materials mixed with air, chips and sawdust with a not transited fan.
Low-medium-high low rates. Average pressures.